Building a Learning Environment


Organizations of all sizes and activities seek to create a learning environment that performs crucial and vital role, and participate in creating opportunities for growth and promotion for the employees and the organizations alike. And this would directly influence the ability of the employees and organizations to achieve their goals. Therefore, the people in charge in the organizations are eager to secure an effective learning environment. As such, we find that intellects and writers were eager to take part in determining the qualities and characteristics that should be available in the learning environment, besides the values supporting the learning environment in contribution to effecting the role of the learning within the organizations.

In this bundle, the practical and applied aspects of the learning environment will be determined. The bundle would also include a host of questions and applied cases that aim to enhance the information and skills that have been outlined and established in this bundle in a contribution to helping the employee to perform their duties in a manner that satisfied their heads, colleagues, and customers.


  • Realizing the concept of training.
  • Applying the different types of training.
  • Uncovering the competencies as a foundation for building training.
  • Building a training within the real needs of the trainees.
  • The successful communication in revealing the learning needs.
  • Converting the training needs into educated behaviors.
  • Applying techniques for meeting the training needs.
  • Measuring the impact of training on the work environment.
  • Illustrating the scientific approaches for understanding the personalities.

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